0431 008 055


Structural Engineering Services: Earth Retaining Walls Design

20 September 2023

Structural Engineering Services

Achieve quality earth retaining wall design through Stride Consulting Engineers’ structural engineering services. Call us at 0431 008 055 today.

Structural engineering services are crucial for the design and installation of earth retaining walls. Earth retaining walls help stabilise soil, prevent erosion, create usable space, or provide support to structures on sloping terrain. At Stride Consulting Engineers, we make sure these walls are designed optimally to prevent any issues along the way.

Some key aspects and considerations associated with earth retaining wall installation are as follows.

Site Condition

Before designing an earth retaining wall, Stride Consulting Engineers carries out a thorough site assessment first. We evaluate the soil conditions, slope angle, groundwater levels, and any existing structures to understand the specific challenges and requirements of the project.

Wall Type

Our primary responsibility is to design a retaining wall that can withstand the lateral pressure exerted by the soil it’s retaining. To date, various types of retaining walls exist, which include cantilevered timber/steel pole or masonry-type walls, gravity-type keystone, and gabion or sandstone-type walls, each with its design considerations. The design process involves calculating factors like wall height, soil type, surcharge loads, and drainage requirements.


Stride Consulting Engineers then chooses appropriate construction materials based on the design and site conditions. Common materials for retaining walls include concrete, masonry, timber, or steel. The selection depends on factors like aesthetics, cost, durability, and the wall’s intended function.

Soil Bearing Capacity

Our professional team can also install the right retaining walls for your project once the bearing capacity of the soil on site has been determined. By conducting a geotechnical analysis, the wall’s frictional resistance with the soil and the potential for soil settlement can be determined. This analysis informs the design and reinforcement requirements.

Environmental Impact

Retaining wall installation should consider potential environmental impacts. We may incorporate erosion control measures, vegetation, or other environmentally friendly solutions to mitigate any negative effects on the surrounding ecosystem.

Permits and Regulations

Stride Consulting Engineers ensure that the design of retaining walls complies with local building codes and regulations. We can help to obtain permits and approvals from relevant authorities to ensure your retaining walls will be installed legally.

Recommendations for ongoing maintenance can be provided to extend the life of these walls. After all, they should work effectively to ensure the stability and functionality of the built environment.

We, at Stride Consulting Engineers, ensure that these walls are not only structurally sound but also safe, compliant with regulations, and environmentally responsible. Some types of retaining walls our team can design are cantilevered timber/steel pole or masonry-type walls, as well as gravity-type keystone, gabion or sandstone-type walls.

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